Falter Gallery Plans Take Shape in Falls City

(KTNC) - Plans to create a gallery to showcase the artwork of Falls City favored son John Falter continue to come together. 
 Members of a committee that’s been working on the idea for several months met Monday night at the Grand Weaver Hotel, along with other individuals interested in the idea.  Plans now include a prospective location for the gallery in downtown Falls City.
 Dobey Falter Hawes is the chair of the Falter Committee.  She says they hope to locate the Falter Gallery in what was P-J’s Jewelry in the former Richardson County Bank building at the corner of 17th and Stone Street.  (play audio  :26)
 Volunteers spent several hours last Saturday gutting the building – ripping up carpeting, and removing a couple old radiators and walls.  Hawes says an architect is donating time and expertise to turn the building into a gallery.  She explains the next steps with the building.  (play audio  :21)
 John Falter was born in Plattsmouth, but grew up in Falls City, and went on to become a world-renown artist and illustrator.  Falter’s widow donated much of his work, including his studio, to the Nebraska State Historical Society after his death in 1982.  A display of Falter’s artwork is on display at the State Historic Museum in Lincoln.  (play audio   :28)
The Falter Committee hopes to create a showcase for Falter’s artwork in Falls City, including possibly bringing Falter’s studio to Falls City.  That would require an arrangement with the State Historical Society. 
In addition to serving as a location for a Falter Gallery, Hawes says the building has space to store the Library’s art collection.  (play audio   :34)
Rod Vandeberg has been instrumental in moving the Falter Gallery idea forward.  He said Monday that an effort is needed now to raise funds to remodel the building.
Hawes, who grew up in Falls City and now lives in Lincoln, says the Falter Gallery can be an attraction that draws visitors to Falls City.  (play audio  :31)


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