Kickapoo Tribe to Take Part in Highway Cleanup

 ( KNZA )-Kickapoo Tribal members and other volunteers will be cleaning up along  K-20 Highway in Brown County Friday morning in coordination with the Kansas Adopt-A-Highway program.
The highway cleanup covers 10 miles of K-20, which is the longest piece of highway in the state program.
This year marks the 15th anniversary of the Kickapoo Tribe's involvement in the program.  The cleanup generally involves 50 to 100 participants.
The highway cleanup will occur Friday morning from 9 to noon from the west city limits of Horton to U.S. 75.  A lunch will be held following the cleanup for all participants.  The public is invited to help celebrate.  Participants will receive several education items, bare root trees and a t-shirt. 
The event had originally been set for last Friday, but was postponed due to the inclement weather.

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