Richardson Co. Scam Victim Recovers Most Lost Money

(KTNC) - A Richardson County resident who fell victim to a phone scam was able to get most of her money back, thanks to quick work of local and New York City law enforcement officials.

The scam has been circulating in Richardson County for some time.  Sheriff Randy Houser explains how it works.  (play audio   :32)

Sheriff Houser says a Richardson County resident recently sent nearly $19,000 in cash by Express Mail to a woman in New York City, but was able to get most of the money back.  Sheriff Houser says the New York Police Department and U.S. Postal Inspectors were very helpful.

Sheriff Houser says the woman had spent approximately $2,700 of the money on various items, including a plane ticket to Jamaica, and agreed to return the remaining $16,000.

Authorities were alerted to the incident last week, when the victim’s grandson called the Richardson County Sheriff’s Department while his grandmother was on the phone with the suspect. 

Authorities don’t know if the suspect was acting alone or was part of a larger scam. 

Sheriff Houser says they were fortunate the situation turned out as it did, and he says to be careful when dealing people over the phone.  

If you receive a similar call, Sheriff Houser says you should just hang up the phone. 

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