KS Authorities Encourage Safe 4th of July Travel

(KAIR)--Having a few beers with the 4th of July barbecue may seem like a good idea to celebrate the holiday; and, while there's nothing illegal about an adult doing just that, the Kansas Highway Patrol is reminding of the importance of having a designated driver at the ready. 

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 780 people, over the past five July 4th holidays, lost their lives in crashes involving impaired drivers. 

In Kansas last year, there were 149 crashes during the 4th of July reporting period. Three of those were fatalities and 36 resulted in injuries. 

Of the 149 total wrecks, 13 were alcohol-related. 

Law enforcement agencies, both local and statewide, will actively watch for impaired drivers during the holiday weekend, with everyone encouraged to buckle up, drive safely and be sure to have a designated driver if adult beverages will be consumed. 

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