New Sabetha EMS Building Proposed

 ( KNZA )-The construction of a new Sabetha EMS building is being proposed.

EMS Director Ed Steinage met with the Sabetha City Commission this week to make the proposal.

Steinlage says there’s a lack of room at the current facility they share with the Sabetha Fire Department at the corner of 12th and Oregon Streets.

He proposed the construction of an about 60 by 70 foot building at an estimated cost of $250,000 to $350,000. Steinlage said the building would need to include a training area, two small living quarters for EMT’s that live more than 5 minutes away, bathroom with shower and office area.

The Sabetha Herald reports Steinlage proposed three locations for the building---a vacant lot at the corner of 14th and Oregon; in front of the city shop exiting onto 14th Street; or next to their current facility. Steinlage said his preference is the property at the corner of 14th and Oregon.

Commissioners said the next step would be to find an architect to draw up plans. Steinlage will work with Assistant City Administrator Bill Shroyer to secure an architect. Shroyer will also contact the owner of the property at 14th and Oregon about a possible purchase.

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