Child Abuse Targeted Through Tribal Grant

(KAIR)--More than $600,000 over the next five years, for the purpose of preventing child abuse.

That's the result of a grant awarded to the Kickapoo Tribe of Kansas, allocated through the Administration for Children and Families.

The funds will support the Kickapoo Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention Program.

According to a press release issued by the Kickapoo Tribe, the focus will be placed on fatherhood, and the important role father figures play in the lives of children.

Tribal Chairman Lester Randall calls the funding from the Tribal and Migrant Discretionary Grant Program "an exciting opportunity,” saying that "fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and other male role models are important to the well being" of the entire tribe.

The program will work with existing projects to create a Family Resource Center, which will serve as a central location for resources, information, and referrals for all family-related services.

Goals established for the program include the development of a support network for father figures in the Kickapoo community, integrating strategies that reinforce parenting skills and enhance family relationships, fostering the economic stability of father figures through coordination with tribal employment programs, and improving relationship-related skills among father figures to enable them to sustain healthy relationships with their co-parents and children.

Receipt of the funds comes through a competitive application and review process.

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