Law Enforcement Commemorated Nationwide

Former KS Atty General Derek Schmidt

(MSC News)--Today is National Law Enforcement Day, a time set aside to appreciate the work of the men and women of law enforcement.

Kansas Attorney General Dereck Schmidt, in commemoration of the date, issued a statement voicing his “thanks and sincere gratitude to our Kansas law enforcement officers who choose to dedicate their lives” to protecting the citizens and communities across the state.

Schmidt, in the statement, encourages all Kansas residents to thank a police officer for their “service and sacrifice.”

Schmidt's full statement follows: 

TOPEKA – (January 9, 2017) – Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt today issued the following statement in honor of National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, which is today. “This annual recognition has particular meaning this year coming after 140 law enforcement officers nationwide, including three in Kansas, were killed last year in the line of duty. On this annual day of appreciation, I want to express my thanks and sincere gratitude to our Kansas law enforcement officers who choose to dedicate their lives to protecting our citizens and communities across the state. I am deeply grateful for the work police officers do and the sacrifices they and their families make to protect all Kansans. I am honored to work alongside these dedicated men and women in Kansas law enforcement, and I hope Kansans will join me today in thanking a police officer for his or her service and sacrifice.”

To show support for our law enforcement community, Concerns of Police Survivors suggests the following activities:

  • Change your profile picture on social media to the image provided at

  • Wear blue clothing in support of law enforcement.

  • Send a card of support to your local police department or state agency.

  • Share a positive story about a positive law enforcement experience on social media.

  • Ask children in your community to write letters in support of law enforcement.

  • Participate in Project Blue Light. Proudly display your blue light in support of law enforcement. Learn more at

Most importantly, if you see a police officer, thank a police office.

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