Brown Co Commission Reorganizes; Longtime Commissioner Retires

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Left: Outgoing Brown Co Commissioner Warren Ploeger was presented with a plaque for his 24 years of service on the commission. 

Right: Six Brown County officials elected in November--including new 3rd District Commissioner Dwight Kruse ( 2nd from left) --were sworn into office by District Judge John Weingart.   

(KNZA)--The Brown County Commission has re-organized for 2017.

That came Monday after new 3rd District Commissioner Dwight Kruse
and five other county officials elected in November were sworn into office by District Judge John Weingart.

Steve Roberts was elected commission chairman for 2017. 

Monday marked the last meeting for longtime 3rd District Commissioner Warren Ploeger, who announced his retirement last summer.  Ploeger was presented with a  plaque by his fellow commissioners for his 24 years of dedicated service to the county.

In an interview with MSC News, Ploeger was asked what he felt were the biggest accomplishments during his time on the Commission.  He cited construction of the new county jail, chip and sealing of all county-maintained roads except one, update of a number of bridges, improvements to the courthouse and update of road and bridge equipment.  He says the new updated equipment has allowed the county to operate with fewer employees.

A reception in honor of Ploeger was held following the meeting.


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