
 The New Year is fast approaching; and, once 2012 is rung in, the Kansas Legislature is all the closer to getting back to business for a new session. 

Education will likely be hot topic, in part following the decision for Kansas to join other states in seeking a federal waiver pertaining to No Child Left Behind Legislation. 
The state, in October, moved forward with that plan, to be filed in February, joining 37 other states seeking to do the same. 
Kansas State Representative Jerry Henry is among those who believe a reprieve will have a positive, not negative, impact on Kansas education(Play Audio) 
The Cummings Democrat says relief from the Federal level, for Kansas schools, would be a real life example of the much discussed issue 
of “local control for education"(Continue Audio) 
School finance, and the methods recently unveiled by Governor Sam Brownback‘s Administration, are expected to stir strong debate amongst lawmakers this coming session. 
That plan sets per pupil spending at 4-thousand-492 dollars, while setting a floor for state education spending. That means the state could not spend less on education in future years than it will once the plan takes effect. 
The Governor’s strategy also removes the cap on the local option budget, meaning districts can raise property tax levels and keep the money in the local district for whatever purpose is decided at the local level. 
The Kansas Legislature will get back to business on January 9th. 

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