Nebraska Gas Tax to increase January 1

(KLZA)-- The Nebraska gas tax will increase with the start of the new year.

The gas tax is going up 17 percent come January, or 4.2 cents, to make it 29 cents a gallon.

But the Nebraska Department of Transportation says these rates are adjusted every six months to account for anticipated new costs.

NDOT adjusts the gas tax rate every July and December to cover road and bridge repairs across Nebraska. That includes 10,000 miles of state highway and over 3,000 bridges. This next cycle, NDOT says it anticipates increased costs. NDOT has an annual operating budget of a billion dollars.

Nebraskans saw the highest gas tax rates right before and during the pandemic, with drivers coughing up 33 cents per gallon in the second half of 2020.

Creighton economist Ernie Goss told KETV in Omaha,that 27 other states still pay higher gas taxes than us. He does not expect Nebraska drivers to cut back on buying fuel either.

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