Two area cities to receive funding for infrastructure improvements  

(MSC News)--Two area northeast Kansas cities will receive funding from USDA Rural Development for infrastructure improvements.

The agency announced Wednesday its investing $22.4 million in nine Kansas infrastructure projects--including those in Valley Falls and Vermillion.

Valley Falls will receive a more than $2.9 million loan to help refurbish the the city's wastewater collection system. The project will include pipe repairs, pipe replacement, heavy pipe cleaning and manhole repairs and replacement.

Vermillion will receive a more than $1.1 million grant and $35,000 loan to help complete the rehabilitation of the city's water distribution system. The project will install about 6,500 feet of distribution piping, including new fire hydrants, valves and other equipment.

The funding is through USDA Rural Development's Water and Waste Disposal Loan and Grant Program

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