***Closings***    Harvesters Distribution at Nemaha Comm. Center cancelled Wednesday also at Sabetha ***
Historic Mass planned by Atchison's Benedictine College

(KAIR)--Atchison's Benedictine College is set to make history, hosting what the college calls the first ever Consecration Mass for Businesses in the United States.

That's set to happen at 8:15 on the morning of Saturday, March 16, with the Mass to be held at St. Benedict Catholic Church, on North 2nd Street, in Atchison. A release from the college says it "will be a special Consecration Mass for business leaders who wish to position their companies as instruments of God's service."

The release notes that their are requirements to take part in the Mass, with only those who complete an 8-part preliminary sequence of short videos with prayer and reflection, able to participate, "after which they will be invited to join the Association of Consecrated Business Owners," with the release explaining that "membership opens benefits like community, accountability, business best practices, additional faith formation, and fellowship for Catholic business owners."

Although St. Benedict- Consecration Mass will be the first ever celebrated in the nation, that achievement will be reached by just a few hours, the release notes, with a parish in Cumming, Georgia, located outside of Atlanta, to hold a Consecration Mass at Noon that same day of March 16.

The Consecration Mass is scheduled to coincide with Benedictine College- Symposium on Transforming Culture at Benedictine College. According to the release, Symposium sessions are scheduled to occur throughout the day of March 16, with a special Symposium Business Track beginning at 9:45 that morning, following the Consecration Mass.

To learn more about consecrating a business, and to register for the program, see the link with this story on our website, http://mscnews.net .

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