Atchison's Amelia fireworks voted 3rd in nation

(KAIR)--Atchison's annual "Concert in the Sky" Fireworks show, held each year to conclude the July Amelia Earhart Celebration, has been voted one of the top displays to see in the nation.

That's the outcome of a USA Today 10Best Readers' Choice Awards for "Best Places to See Fireworks, with Atchison earning enough support to be named 3rd in the nation.

Atchison's Jacque Pregont has long served as the Amelia Earhart Festival's Coordinator, and says, in a release accompanying the announcement of Atchison's achievement, it's "especially exciting to announce this honor during this anniversary week of Amelia's historic flight on May 20-21, 1932 — when she became world-renowned as the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic.”

Earhart called Atchison her birthplace home, which is why the festival is held each year in her honor.

As for the fireworks show that earned the honor, it's produced by Stellar Fireworks, Inc., a Wichita-based fireworks company "that produces award-winning pyrotechnic experiences across the country," with the 28-minute “Concert in the Sky” fireworks show, held over the Missouri River at Atchison, annually drawing an estimated 50,000 visitors from around the world who come to celebrate Earhart's July 24, 1897 birth.

This year's festival is set for Friday, July 19 and Saturday, July 20, with the Saturday night “Concert in the Sky” fireworks show beginning at approximately 9:30, following an aviation aerobatics performance at 7:30. Those free events happen at Atchison's Riverfront Park, with the music choreographed with the fireworks to again be heard through a simulcast on 93.7 FM.

The festival kicks off on the evening of July 19 with the "Friday Night Music on the Riverfront" concert, featuring headliner Diamond Rio. Tickets are currently on sale for $20.

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