Gov announces special session of KS Legislature

(MSC News)--A special session of the Kansas Legislature is set to happen next month.

That announcement comes in a release from the office of Kansas Governor Laura Kelly, who, the release says, "will use her constitutional power [under the] Kansas Constitution to reconvene the Kansas Legislature for a special session on Tuesday, June 18, 2024."

Kelly, in the release, says the special session will provide "the opportunity for bipartisan collaboration on comprehensive tax relief that does not threaten Kansas’ solid fiscal foundation."

The release notes that Kelly "will issue the proclamation officially convening the Legislature for a special session in the coming days."

Kansas House Speaker Dan Hawkins has responded to Kelly's decision, saying, in a release, that the "$84,000+ a day special session could have been completely avoided because the legislature already delivered a bipartisan, sustainable tax relief plan that was fully vetted by our highly qualified legislative tax committees,” and alleges that the Kelly "Administration chose to play election-year political games, opting to continue to move the goalposts and refuse to compromise all at Kansas taxpayers’ expense."

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