White Cloud to meet, focus on KOMA/KORA complaints

(KNZA)--The City of White Cloud, on Monday evening, will hold a special meeting focused on what's listed in a release as three separate complaints involving the Kansas Open Records and Meetings Acts.

The release, from the City, says the special meeting will involve two representatives of the State Attorney General's office, and will be held at the American Legion, beginning at 6:00 Monday evening.

During the early portion of the session, the release explains that a brief overview of the AG office's investigative process and the scope of their inquiry regarding the complaints will be offered, while also responding to questions from the public regarding the topic.

Then, at 7:00, each Council Member will be interviewed separately, in private, as well as the Mayor and City Clerk.

The goal, according to the release, is to "gather the information necessary to complete the review through [Monday evening's] interviews efficiently and without the use of more formal discovery methods authorized by statute such as subpoenas or testimony under oath."

The release closes by asking "any former city employee or official having actual knowledge of the events underlying [the] three complaints wishing to make themselves available for interview would be appreciated."

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