Hearings set on Brown Co Comprehensive Plan

(KNZA)--The Brown County Planning Commission will conduct three public hearings to discuss a proposed comprehensive plan for the county.

The hearings will take place on June 21st at the Fairview Community Center from 12 noon to 1; Fisher Community Center in Hiawatha from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. and Blue Building in Horton from 6 to 7 p.m.

The hearings on the proposed comprehensive plan will include comments and discussion on:

1. Vision and Mission Statements

2. Relevant History

3. Demographics

4. Sociographic

5. Natural Resources

6. Social Services

7. Water Supply

8. Land Use

9. Transportation

Each meeting will be facilitated by the project consultant, Dick Horton

Following the public hearings, the Planning Commission will consider adoption of the Comprehensive Plan pursuant to state statute.

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