Sheriff issues hot weather safety reminder

Brown County Sheriff John Merchant

Editors note: the following was submitted by Brown County Sheriff John Merchant

(KNZA)--For many years I have been informing the public about the importance of making sure you check your cars for unattended children and pets. Too many child deaths occur in the United States due to children being forgotten by adults or they were playing in cars and were unattended by an adult. With the upcoming heat wave, there is a great potential for deadly heat build up inside vehicles.

This is a very serious situation and with hotter temperatures coming our way, PLEASE make sure to check and double check your vehicle every time!

A child is more susceptible to heat than an adult, just because we do not feel the effects of the heat, it doesn't mean our children aren't suffering.

Less than 10 minutes is all the time it takes for the inside of a car to reach deadly temperatures.

Heatstroke can occur in temperatures less than 57 degrees, the inside of a car can absorb enough heat within minutes to make temperatures deadly. especially for infants.

In most cases of child deaths in cars, the child was forgotten by the parent or caregiver.

In approximately 30% of child deaths, children were playing in vehicles unattended.

An even sadder statistic is that almost 20% of the children were intentionally left in the vehicle by an adult.

Be aware of the signs of heatstroke:








I am asking that the public remain aware and vigilant to help prevent these tragedies from happening. Please be aware when you are in parking lots, garages or anywhere else vehicles may be parked for any small children or pets that may have been left unattended. NOTIFY LAW ENFORCEMENT AT ONCE IF YOU DO SEE A CHILD OR PET IN DISTRESS.

Also, remember our elderly friends and neighbors and those with medical issues, especially with higher temperatures.

If you have outside pets, adequate shade, shelter, food and especially water is a must.

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