Resolution: Squatting off-limits in Jefferson Co

The Jefferson County, KS Courthouse/Credit: Facebook

(KAIR)--A new resolution, addressing and penalizing the act of squatting, is put in place in Jefferson County.

That follows action taken at Monday's meeting of the Jefferson County Commission, with the unofficial minutes of the session stating that Commissioner David Christy made the motion to approve the resolution, which was approved by a unanimous vote of the Commission.

The resolution, the minutes state, "would impose a criminal penalty for those engaged in squatting on another person- property without permission
from the owner of the property."

During the Commission's meeting of June 3, the matter of squatting was discussed, with the minutes of that meeting saying that the discussion focused on certain lots at Lakeside Village and Lake Shore Estates, where squatters were being served notices of pre-eviction, through the County Sheriff's Department. During that discussion, it was decided by the Commission and Assistant County Attorney Jonathan Ehrlich to work toward the now approved resolution, in an attempt "to settle the squatting situation in the most efficient way."

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