Federal, state funds support Valley Falls safety

(KAIR)--Federal and state transportation funds are allocated to the Jefferson County city of Valley Falls, with those funds to help the City improve the safety of roadways for all users.

That's according to a release from the City of Valley Falls, which says the funds, allowing the City to complete a Safe Streets for All Action Plan, are provided through the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration and the Kansas Department of Transportation.

Safe Streets for All is a nationwide program to prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries.

The City has established a dedicated webpage, on it's official valleyfalls.org website, to provide details, and updates, about the project.

The site outlines the four key goals the City aims to accomplish through the action plan, including Enhance Roadway Safety, Strengthen the Transportation Network, Assess Existing Conditions, such as traffic crash data, Ensure Comprehensive Engagement, which the City says means gathering and incorporating public input "that is comprehensive and representative of all Valley Falls residents," and Set the Stage for Future Implementation.

As for the timeline, the City says "the project team has begun initial research to understand crash data and existing conditions in Valley Falls," with the team, throughout the project, to "meet with a project steering committee made up of differing community representatives to discuss challenges and recommendations for next steps considering public input, current data, and best practices."

According to the City, a survey, regarding the effort, is going to be shared with the public, along with the City hosting a community meeting sometime late summer.

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