Falls City Administrators report

(KLZA)--City Administrator Anthony Nussbaum updated Falls City Council members on a number of topics during the Monday evening council meeting.

Nussbaum noted that a good deal of the planned street work has been completed in Falls City for the summer, a few projects are continuing. Constructors Inc. has completed most of the asphalt overlay work except for a couple of minor repair projects. Concrete crews are now working on curbing projects following the asphalt overlay work.

The Council also approved a resolution declaring a lengthy list of city property as surplus which will be disposed of. Attempts to sell the property through Municibid. Items that don't sell will likely be deemed salvage.

In other action the Council approved the appointment of Steve O'Grady to the Falls City Airport Authority for a term ending at the end of 2024.

Requests to block 17th Street between Harlan and Lane Streets from 5 - 11 p.m. on June 28th for a community fireworks display by the United Methodist Church and a request to block 7th Street between Harlan and Stone Street and Stone Street fro 7th to 8th Street from 5 p.m - 11:15 p.m. on June 29 for and American Legion fireworks display was also approved.

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