A safe, sober 4th wanted by officials

(MSC News)--Kansas motorists, this week of the 4th of July holiday, will see and hear numerous Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving safety messages to stress the importance of never drinking and driving.

That's according to a release from the Kansas Department of Transportation, which says they, the Drive To Zero Coalition, and local law enforcement agencies are joining together for high intensity enforcement to occur over the holiday week along with safety reminders from now through July 7.

According to KDOT, 65 people lost their lives in 2,140 alcohol-related crashes recorded in 2023, marking a decrease from 2022, when 95 alcohol-related fatalities occurred.

Drivers with a blood alcohol concentration above the Kansas limit of .08% are considered alcohol-impaired by law, while a small amount of alcohol is considered buzzed driving because, the release says, "it can affect a person- ability to drive safely."

The Drive To Zero Coalition also reminds all motorists to buckle up every trip, every time.

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