Council approves ordinance regulating grass clippings

Seneca City Hall

(KMZA)--The Seneca City Council has approved an ordinance that would prohibit grass clippings and yard debris from being blown into city streets.

The Council took the action when they meet June 19 on a 4-2 vote. Voting in favor of the ordinance were Council members Steve Bennett, Ray Shinn, Joe Schmelzle and Kris Enneking, while voting against the ordinance were Jim Mitchell and Mike Stallbaumer.

Those violating the ordinance could be cited for criminal littering, which is punishable by steep fines plus court cost.

The code enforcement officer would be authorized to notify any person violating the ordinance that they may be cited.

City officials say lawn mowing debris is unsightly and presents a safety hazard for cyclists and motorcycle riders. In addition, the debris can build up and plug drainage systems.

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