Richardson County Board discusses roadside grass and brush

Richardson County Courthouse

(KLZA)-- Richardson County Highway Superintendent Steve Darveau Jr. presented a list of 18 specific areas of brush complaints along county roads to Commissioners during their June 26 meeting.

The list will be presented to the County Attorney's Office for action with notices to be sent to landowners.

Commissioners also agreed that a notice will be placed in county newspapers regarding the responsibility of landowners to mow roadsides in July and September and to remove brush along the county road right-of-way.

State statutes require roadside to be mowed at least twice per year. The mowing should be done sometime in July for the first time and again in September for the second time.

Landowners are also responsible for managing hedges and trees, trimming undergrowth, bordering public roads when they become a public nuisance to travel on the roads, or obstruct the view at or near railroad crossings, crossroads or abrupt turns in the road.

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