Atchison City Commissioners to Pull Stop Light

 Atchison City Commissioners unanimously approved Monday night to remove the traffic light at the corner of 7th and Kansas.

 The light will move to a four way flashing red light for one to two weeks before stop signs are implemented.

 The move will save the city 95 dollars a month in maintenance.

 Commissioners also unanimously approved the purchase of 23 tasers with cameras for the police department at the rate of around 12 hundred dollars a taser.

 They are being funded through the seizure fund and can be shot up to 25 feet.

 Commissioners spent a majority of their meeting listening to a presentation on future improvements to their water system.

 Utilities Director Mike Mathews explains why the upgrade is needed and why they were approved for a five point eight million dollar 20 year loan for the project.

 (Play Audio)  RT: :22

 Burns and McDonnell Engineer Nathan Dunahee then presented options on what kind of disinfection could be feasible between ozone and P-A-C.

 In the end, he recommended the commission go with the Ozone method and explained why.

 (Audio Continues)  RT: :54

 Commissioners plan to discuss on whether to put a one point five million or two million gallon water storage tank or a one point five million gallon elevated tank at the next meeting.

 Commissioners also unanimously passed the purchase of seven new overhead doors at the fire station.

 These will replace the original doors that came with the building in 1971.

 Commissioners also approved a pilot project resolution to provide a 100 percent cost share up to 120 dollars for the 22 affected homes that need to modify their downspout disconnection for owner occupied single family residences.

 They also approved a modification to the wind turbine ordinance to allow 10 acre plots or greater to have an 80 foot turbine, as well as a larger setback of two feet for every foot in turbine height.

 The street department will begin to implement four 10 hour workdays beginning this summer from Monday through Thursday.

 City Manager Trey Cocking also estimates the part for the 10th and Main Street stoplight to arrive within the next week and a half.

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