Atchison Man Gets Prison for Sexual Battery & Burglary

(KAIR) -- Thirty-two months in prison—that was the sentence handed down earlier Monday in Atchison County District Court for Atchison resident Kevin Simmons.

Simmons was convicted in October of one count of aggravated sexual battery and two counts of aggravated burglary in connection with two separate incidents that took place in the fall of 2011.

Atchison County District Court Judge Martin Asher handed down the sentence following remarks from Simmons, who pleaded for probation and immediate deportation to the United Kingdom, where he is a citizen.

Asher cited the outrageousness of the crimes as a major factor in his decision to hand down two 32-month sentences for each incident.

That was in line with the standard sentencing guideline recommended by Atchison County Attorney Gerald Kuckelman.

However, Asher turned down Kuckelman’s recommendation for the sentences to run consecutively, and instead ruled that they run concurrently.

Asher also said he was confident Immigration Services would deport Simmons as soon as his sentence was finished.

Simmons attorney, Andrew Werring had filed a motion for a re-trial, which Asher rejected.

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