Benedictine Honors Benedict XVI on Final Day as Pope

(KAIR) -- Bells were chiming around the world Thursday as it marked the end of the Pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI.

They were heard at one central time at Benedictine College in Atchison, which coincides with the end of his term at eight, Rome time.

At that time, mass attendees placed a candle next to a photo of the Pope at the front of the abbey.

The bells were preceded by an all-school mass, attended largely by students, faculty and monks and nuns from the local abbey and monastery.

Paul Burghart is the Memoare Choir Director.

He says while this is a day of reflection, it will lead to an exciting future for the papacy.

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Benedictine College President Steve Minnis has had the privilege to see Pope Benedict several times over his papacy. 

He says one sticks out to him when the Pope gave advice to Catholic college administrators.

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Abbot James Albers presided over the mass.

He says in moving forward in the interim of selecting a new pope, faith is key.

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With the throne now vacant, it could be a special opportunity for Benedictine Senior Jenna Prather.

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Speculation has surrounded the date when the conclave will begin for the cardinals to choose a new pope.

Monsignor Carlo Maria Celli, a papal communications officer, hinted that the date could be March 11th, but that could not be immediately confirmed.

Benedict is expected to spend about two months at Castel Gandolfo, a private retreat, before moving into an apartment still being prepared in a convent within the Vatican campus walls.

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