Benedictine Students Take a Lot Away from Iowa Caucus

The Iowa Caucuses provided a tight race, the end of campaigns, and proof that there’s a long ways to go before a Republican Presidential nominee.

Benedictine College political science students were on hand to observe the caucus.

Professor John Settich (Set-Ick) says the results show a lot of uncertainty in what lies ahead.

Settich Results RT: :44 OC: "…we met."

Last night, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney defeated Senator Rick Santorum by a mere eight votes, both garnering nearly 25 percent while Texas Congressman Ron Paul came third, with 21 percent of the votes.

This (Wednesday) morning, fifth place finisher Minnesota Congresswoman Michelle Bachman suspended her campaign.

What may be little known to some, Tuesday’s caucus was only a precinct caucus, to determine pledged delegates to each of the 99 counties’ conventions.

From there, those delegates will move to the state then Republican national conventions.

Professor Settich says for some candidates, the strategies will change moving to other states.

Settich Strategies RT: :32 OC: "…be fascinating."

The next GOP primary is in New Hampshire January 10th.

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