Program Honors Donors to Peru State Oak Bowl Renovation

(KTNC) - Peru State College’s football stadium will undergo a major renovation following the current season.  The college recognized individuals who have been key in providing the funding to make the renovation possible during a short program as part of the college’s homecoming festivities on Saturday afternoon. 
 First District State Senator Lavon Heidemann was one of those recognized.  Peru State President Dan Hanson thanked Heidemann for securing state funding to help renovate the historic Oak Bowl.  (play audio  :32)
 State College System Chancellor Stan Carpenter also thanked Senator Heidemann for funding at not only Peru State, but also other institutions in the State College System.  (play audio  :29)
 The estimated cost of the Oak Bowl renovation project – which includes a new field house – is 14-million dollars. Construction is to begin this fall on the stadium bowl, restrooms, and press box.  President Hanson said the college is working to raise the remainder of the funds necessary to complete the project. 
 A large part of the college’s match for the state appropriation will come thanks to a half-million dollar donation from Lee and Bill Sapp, the owners of Sapp Brothers Petroleum and Travel Centers.  They were also recognized during Saturday’s program.  (play audio  :15)
 In addition to recognizing Senator Heidemann and the Sapp family, Peru State also rededicated Eliza Morgan Hall, the women’s residence hall built in 1929.  A yearlong, five-and-a-half million-dollar renovation project was completed this fall.
 Chancellor Carpenter commented.  (play audio  :24)
 Following the program, a ribbon-cutting was held to dedicate the common area between Morgan Hall and the Student Center as “Sapp Plaza” in honor of the Sapp family.

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