City Commission Approves Trash Can Pilot Program

(KAIR) -- A pilot program on the planned trash and recycling reforms will move forward in Atchison.

The City Commission unanimously approved the ordering of 624, 96 gallon poly carts from Toter for up to 33 thousand 500 dollars.

City Manager Trey Cocking says the carts will likely be one color.

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The pilot will run from December through the end of January in select residences throughout town.

RF ID chips to identify carts will be implanted in the handle.

When Commissioner Larry Purcell asked what the carts would be used for if the program fails, Cocking says they could be re-sold or used for special community events.

Commissioners also approved an ordinance to collect an additional 33 percent fee on delinquent municipal court accounts four to one with Commissioner Rita Hartman voting nay.

Hartman, in an exchange with Finance Director Becky Swain, believes extra fees will not get money any faster.

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Commissioners agreed to the condition to give those with delinquent accounts notification that the change is coming and a window to pay before it goes into effect.

Commissioners also passed a resolution to move forward with several demolitions of select properties around Atchison.

However, J.P. Suther, owner of the property at 405 Parallel requested to have his property saved, offering to bring it up to standards by sealing any entry points and rehabbing the roof.

A nearby property owner Dennis Dame, voiced his objections to that request.

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Suther was given 30 days by the resolution to do what is required to meet the standards of the Code Enforcement Officer, otherwise, the property will be demolished.

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