Atchison Adds More Homes to Demolition Tally

(KAIR) -- Atchison City Commissioners unanimously voted to demolish two condemned homes as part of their ongoing demolition program.

After hearing no public comment, they voted to demolish 1010 North Eighth Street and 1136 Division.

However, a third home up for demolition brought a much closer vote.

That was due to the homeowner of 1029 Kansas Avenue, Fred Horton, making his case to save his home.

Horton asked commissioners to give six months to fix the issues out of code.

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Commissioner Rita Hartman then questioned further why certain things weren’t done before that.

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Commissioners voted to proceed with demolition of Horton’s property unless there is a detailed plan presented within 30 days three to two with Commissioners Hartman and Reavis voting nay.

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