Atchison Police Training Wednesday

(KAIR) -- A division of the Atchison Police Department will be training this week in an effort to improve response and execution of law enforcement in the community.

The training became possible as the result of the passage of a demolition cost share program by the city.

The city agreed to pay 75 percent of the cost that it will take to demolish the property if the property owner would pay 25 percent and agree to let officers train in the house prior to its demolition.

The division doing the training is the Special Response Team.

Sergeant Corey Webb is the leader of that team.

He says this month’s focus will be on deliberate entry training.

(Play Audio)   RT: :15

Webb says since Atchison is a smaller city, SRT is only a part-time team and they hope to execute these training sessions once a month.

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