Atchison County Sheriff’s Reserves to Disband

(KAIR) -- Last week, we told you about the announcement made to Atchison County Commissioners by Sheriff’s Reserves President Ray Simmers of the organizations intent to disband.

At that point, several questions were posed by County Officials about their reasoning to disband and what they did with their inventory.

Simmers says a portion of the reason the 501c3 organizations seven members voted to disband was personal, but wished to not comment further on that part.

However, he says there were other reasons as to why the 17-year organization chose to disband.

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Simmers says they have liquidated their equipment as a result of their decision.

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The organization will disband effective the end of the year, after their annual Christmas event for children.

Usually, they do fundraising to provide charitable giving.

However, they have generated enough funds for this year to not have to.

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Sheriff-elect Jack Laurie says the disbanding of the organization just prior to his taking office doesn’t deter his plans moving forward into his first term.
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Simmers also wanted to thank the current and past reserves for logging over 17 thousand hours into the organization.




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