Nebraska Lawmakers Learn About Healthcare Costs

Nebraska lawmakers have a lot more to learn about how the federal health care law will impact the state budget, and whether expanding Medicaid under federal rules would benefit or financially cripple the state.
 Two legislative committees heard that more work must be done to fully calculate the costs during a joint public hearing Tuesday.  The crux of the problem, according to Legislative Fiscal Office Director Liz Hruska (RUSS kah), is that no one knows how many eligible Nebraskans will actually participate.  (play audio  :11    “what will happen.”)
 Senator Heath Mello of Omaha asked Hruska if some of the numbers would have already been factored into the state budget.  (play audio   :27   “answer that question.”)
 The Legislative Fiscal Office continues to crunch the numbers in an effort to provide the legislature with numbers when it convenes for the new session in January. 
 Nearly 228-thousand Nebraskans have no health insurance.

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