Volunteers & Food Needed at Salvation Army

(KAIR) -- It’s that time of year again where bells are ringing around area supermarkets and businesses.

However, the Atchison Area Salvation Army needs more volunteers to ring those bells.

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That’s Abbie Carter, Christmas Coordinator and Case Worker for the Salvation Army.

Another thing Atchison’s location is in need of is items for their food pantry.

Carter says they can use anything, but there are a few specifics the non-profit could use in the holiday season.

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The organization will have several events for the holiday season, including a booth at Wal-Mart seeking toy donations.

This will culminate in a food box and toy store December 18th for those families that applied at the Salvation Army.

Volunteers are needed from now until Christmas eve for the bell ringing, as well as the food and toy store event.

Interested citizens are asked to call 367-1207.

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