Rebecca Hollister Removed from Kimmi Civil Suit

(AP) - The wife of a man convicted of killing a rural Kansas woman has been removed from a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the victim's children.

An Atchison County judge on Thursday removed Rebecca Hollister from the lawsuit filed by the children of 58-year-old Patricia Kimmi of rural Horton.

Hollister's husband, Roger, is serving life in prison for Kimmi's November 2009 death.

Kimmi's children allege in their lawsuit that their estranged father, Eugene Kimmi, and the Hollisters conspired to cause Patricia Kimmi's death.

The Topeka Capital-Journal reports the judge ruled the plaintiffs had presented no evidence to prove Rebecca Hollister was involved in Patricia Kimmi's death.

He said Rebecca Hollister might have lied to investigators after the crime but that was not part of the lawsuit.

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