Atchison City Commission Approves Joint VOIP Project

(KAIR) -- As part of a lengthy agenda Tuesday evening, Atchison City Commissioners approved a joint project with Atchison County to upgrade phone systems in city hall and the courthouse.

The project, which is also tied into the Atchison Hospital, is expected to cost the city 95 thousand 281 dollars, the hospital 46 thousand and 172 thousand 128 dollars for the county.

The lease-purchase agreement is part of a five year loan and is expected to save all entities several thousand dollars.

City Manager Trey Cocking explains how the voice over phone system works.

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Conversion is expected to be complete by June 15th.

Commissioners also authorized city staff to apply for a grant with the state for money to expand the trail along the Atchison Riverfront to the Lewis and Clark campsite in rural Atchison County.

Commissioner Rita Hartman says the proposed expansion should be hit with users of the current trail.

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City Manager Trey Cocking says a previously discussed trail project along U.S 73 south of the 10th Street and U.S. 59 intersection will be put on hold for next year’s round of grant applications.

Commissioners also approved the accessibility advisory board, which will be up to nine members and will discuss issues on city property for handicapped citizens.

They also approved the KLINK mill and overlay of U-S 59 in Atchison, which is a 50-50 cost share between KDOT and the city.

The city will be responsible for 394 thousand 161 dollars.

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