Nebraska Legislature Releases Preliminary State Budget

(KTNC) - The Nebraska Legislature's Appropriations Committee has released its preliminary budget, which includes a few sizeable disagreements with the governor.
Appropriations Committee Chairman Heath Mello says the committee isn't convinced the University of Nebraska system should get the increase the governor has proposed in an exchange for a promise not to increase tuition.   (play audio   :18)
Mello says the committee disagrees with the governor’s estimate of how much it will cost Nebraska to implement the federal health care law.   (play audio   :15)
The committee also includes a 97-Million dollar payment to the state retirement system the governor's budget left out and includes money to reduce the waiting list for services to developmental disabled children. The legislature also has not included a 47-Million dollar transfer from cash reserves to build a veterans home in central Nebraska.  (play audio   :17)
Mello calls the committee’s preliminary budget a first step moving forward in the legislature’s budget process.

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