Henry Talks Budget at Session Break

(KAIR) -- Kansas legislators stayed late Friday evening to pass several bills in an attempt to keep their wrap-up session as short as possible.

However, State Representative Jerry Henry was able to be on hand Saturday morning at the final legislative coffee at the Santa Fe Depot in Atchison.

The Cummings Democrat said the House was able to pass a budget, but it looks different than Governor Sam Brownback’s proposal.

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The Senate must also pass their version of their budget when legislatures return to session May 8th in order for negotiations to begin for one final budget to pass.

Henry also says cuts are expected to the state highway fund.

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He also said the House also had issues with the Governor’s proposed tax plan, which was defeated Friday 120 to zero.

Other bills were discussed, a bill awaiting the Governor’s signature that would allow teachers with concealed carry permits to have guns in the school, pending board approval, drug screening for citizens on welfare and the job impact on the movement of the Department of Agriculture to Manhattan.

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