Citizens Speak Up About Solid Waste

(KAIR) -- Monday’s Atchison County Commissioner meeting had a full house of small business owners looking for clarification and even protesting the new solid waste fee on their most recent property tax statements.

County Commissioner Jeff Schuele says they are willing to give each entity equal time and consideration if they have questions or disputes, citing that the tabulation system isn’t perfect.

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One of those business owners that have questions is Bill Murphy.

He owns two Quick Stop convenience stores in Atchison.

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Schuele says the intent of the solid waste fee is not to get businesses to fold.

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Schuele says the county is already seeing some savings as a result of recently bidding out single stream recycling and trash to Deffenbaugh.

Anyone that wishes to appeal the assessed fee is encouraged to call Solid Waste Project Manager Chase Brunick at 913-367-4400, extension 113 to request a form for an appeal hearing.

In other business, Commissioners unanimously approved the purchase of two new ambulances for a total of 135 thousand dollars from KC Coach and Bus.

These will replace two older ambulances currently owned by Atchison Hospital EMS.

As part of the agreement, two ambulances will be sent on loan by KC Bus and Coach until the new ambulances arrive.

At the end of the Commissioner meeting, Ray Simmers with the Atchison County Sheriff’s Reserves announced that they have disbanded their organization, which was voted upon after the general election.

Schuele says Commissioners are unclear why the organization disbanded, but plan to look into the matter further and check on inventory since the 501c3 organization acted on behalf of the county within the sheriff’s department.