Atchison Co Cell Reimbursement Modified

(KAIR) -- In an effort to keep up with the ever changing technology of cell phones, Atchison County Commissioners Wednesday modified monthly reimbursements for employee cell use for business.

What was previously a 20 dollar a month reimbursement for select employees will now be determined on a three-tier system.

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That’s Commissioner Jeff Schuele.

He says the third tier has been developed for Atchison Senior Village.

Three individuals will be given a 50 dollar a month reimbursement due to a special text alert system they are signed up for, which causes frequent data use.

Schuele says the previous reimbursement plan was implemented before the age of smart phones and data plans.

Commissioners also heard an update from Maintenance Supervisor Joe Bowen.

He says bids have been let out for renovations for the lentils, windows and doors at Memorial Hall and bids are expected to be opened by the end of the month.

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