Atchison Co Land Valuation Debate Continues

(KAIR) -- A group of property owners dissatisfied with their recent land valuation assessments continued to air their frustrations Saturday during the final Atchison Chamber of Commerce Legislative Coffee.

They expressed their concerns to the only state legislator in attendance, Representative Jerry Henry.

This comes after their initial stop last Monday at the County Commissioner meeting.

The main concern of the group lies around a change in tax classification in regards to a state court of appeals decision to reclassify land used for hunting in Sumner County.

As a result, some citizens’ land in Atchison County had their valuation jump from 10 dollars an acre to 11 hundred dollars in acre.

One of the concerned citizens was Calvin Boldridge.

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In an effort to answer questions that have arisen from the sudden increases, a representative from the Property Valuation Division of the state Department of Revenue will be at today’s County Commissioner meeting at three.

Representative Henry on Saturday also confirmed that he will be attending.

Commissioner Jeff Schuele says while this visit from the PVD rep is public, open public comment will be limited.

Commissioners today will also canvass ballots from last week’s election at two, as well as hear a concern from a citizen about a cell tower on their property.

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