Mound City School Board meets

(KLZA)--The Mound City, Missouri School Board approved the Extra Duty Salary Schedule proposed by Superintendent Korey Miles when they met last week.

The new schedule includes four tiers vs. three tiers in the previous schedule. Depending on the years of service the pay for coaches will range from 10 - 13 percent. The previous three tier salary schedule ranged from 6 - 10 percent.

The Board approved a proposal from Rooster /Rubber to install new Pour-In-Place rubber under and around the play set on the playground at a cost of $32,500. Asphalt repairs and sealant on the playground is going to cost an additional $35,000.

High School Principal Jake Shipman reported that in addition to the current Dual Credit classes offered at Mound City High School, there will be additional Dual Credit offerings for the 2023-24 school year including Medical Terminology, Earth Science, Math/Calculus, Sociology and Spanish.

Superintendent Miles informed the Board that the school district did not receive the School Safety Grant through DESE, however, he is looking to continue with improvements to the security camera system.

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