USD 415 board approves teachers' contract

(KNZA)--The Hiawatha School Board has ratified a negotiated agreement with teachers for the 2023-24 school year.

The action followed an executive session Monday evening.

Under the agreement, the base salary for a beginning teacher will increase $1,500 from $42,640 to $44,140.

There will be no change in the board leadership for the 2023-24 school year. The board approved the re-appointment of Ian Schuetz as board president and Jim Robidoux as vice-president.

During his time on the agenda, Schuetz expressed disappointment and frustration over the recent decision by the Kansas Department of Transportation to have the traffic signals removed at the intersection of 1st and Oregon Streets, which serves as the primary entrance to the high school as well as main route to the middle school.

"Despite their traffic studies, and whatever their reasons, I believe KDOT had to willfully turn a blind eye to the practical affect that this decision would have on our schools and on our students. There is no question that this, in my opinion, stubborn and callous decision by the Kansas Department of Transportation will create a significant safety risk to this community, and it will be our youngest, and most vulnerable drivers, on which it will have the greatest impact." said Schuetz

Following removal of the signals, the intersection will operate as a two-way stop with traffic flowing freely on First Street and stop signs located along Oregon Street on the east and west sides of the intersection.

Schuetz also took time at the meeting to remember former longtime school board member Steve Lock who died unexpectedly last week. Lock served 16 years on the board before stepping down in 2015.

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