***Closings***    Harvesters Distribution at Nemaha Comm. Center cancelled Wednesday also at Sabetha ***
Heidemann Discusses Bills

 The Nebraska Legislature’s 60-day session has reached the halfway point, and Senators will spend the remainder of the session debating priority bills.
 First District Senator Lavon Heidemann comments on some of the bills that will be debated over the next few weeks, including a constitutional amendment that, if approved, would allow senators to serve three rather than two consecutive terms in office.  The measure won initial approval in the legislature last week.  If legislators approve the measure, Nebraska voters would then have the final say whether to approve the amendment.  (play audio  :44)
 Another bill Heidemann discusses is one affecting when a student may drop out of school.  (play audio   :45)
 The Legislature will spend time focusing on the state’s child welfare reform.  One of two remaining service providers, KVC, informed the Department of Health and Human Services last week that it would no longer provide case management and other services as of March 1st.  That leaves Nebraska Families Collaborative as the only remaining provider of five original service providers.  (play audio  :37)
 Five bills dealing with the state’s child welfare reform process have been prioritized this session. 

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