Company Looking at Wind Project in Nemaha Co

(KMZA)---A Florida-based company is looking at developing a wind energy project in the southern part of Nemaha County, Kansas.

Alan Anderson, an attorney representing NextEra Energy Resources, met with the Nemaha County Commission this week to request that they adopt a conditional use permit resolution before the end of the year for the proposed project.

Anderson said they are currently in the early stages, and few details are being released at this time.

The wind farm is being proposed for portions of Harrision, Red Vermillion, Riley and Wetmore Townships.

Following discussion, the Commission agreed to set a public hearing for the morning of December 12th at 10:00 in the Commissioner’s room at the Nemaha County Courthouse to consider approval of a conditional use permit for the project.

The Commission will also consider amending or rescinding a resolution adopted in September 2012 placing a requirement on how close wind turbines can be located to a house or property line.

The resolution was adopted after a group of landowners voiced concerns about a proposed wind energy project at the time in the northern part of the county.

It requires that wind turbines be no closer than 3,000 feet from a home and 15-hundred feet from a property line.  The setbacks can be waived if all parties affected by the location of the proposed wind turbine sign off on it.

NextEra Energy currently operates a $138 million wind farm in portions of Gage and Jefferson Counties in southeast Nebraska.

The wind farm, which became operational in November 2013, generates nearly 74-megawatts of electricity from 44 turbines.

All the power generated by the project is being provided to the Nebraska Public Power District.   


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