Convicted baby biter sentenced to prison

(KAIR)--A 23-year-old Leavenworth man, found guilty in connection with biting a baby he was caring for, is going to prison following his sentencing last week in a Leavenworth County District Court room.

According to a release from the office of Leavenworth County Attorney Todd Thompson, 23-year-old Benjamin Oakes was sentenced to more than 2 1/2 years of incarceration on the charge of aggravated battery, which Oakes pled guilty to in February.

The release explains that it was last year, on June 9, that the Leavenworth Police Department was contacted by a social worker at a Kansas City area hospital concerning a child under the age of one who was believed to have been abused. According to court documents, the social worker noted bruising on the victim- body consistent with human bite marks. During an interview with a Leavenworth police detective, Oakes confessed to causing the injuries, admitting to biting the child once while she was crying and also admitted to using his teeth to grip the child- arm to steady the child while changing a diaper.

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