Flood not expected to reach same levels as 2019

(KLZA)-- The flood warning for the Missouri River will remain in effect through Tuesday July 2, with moderate flooding predicted.

During the Wednesday meeting of the Richardson County Commissioners, Emergency Management Agency Director Brian Kirkendall said he is not expecting the flooding along the river in Richardson County to reach the levels of the river crest during the 2019 flooding which reached 28.1 feet. The crest at Rulo is predicted for 23.9 feet, Monday morning, July 1.

Kirkendall noted that the Missouri River stage at Rulo was just over 19 feet Wednesday morning, just over 2-feet above flood stage. At that point, the river flow at Rulo was 105,533 cubic feet per second. In comparison, at Gavins Point Dam at Yankton, South Dakota, the release rate at the dam is currently 24,000 cubic feet per second and is being cut back to 12,000 cfs by the end of this week.

Kirkendall talked about areas of concern from flooding in Richardson County include houses and cabins along the banks of the Missouri River at Rulo and at the Lewis and Clark housing area near the Mouth of the Nemaha.

Rainfall in Nebraska overnight ranged from around 1.5 inches in Falls City to more than 3 inches at Indian Cave State Park and a report of 4 inches in the area of the Cooper Nuclear Station near Brownville.

Kirkendall said while the rain will have a short term effect, he does not expect the areas rains to have a large impact on the long-term flooding in the area.

Predictions for the crest at locations along the Missouri are fluctuating with the rains.

At Brownville the crest is nt predicted at 41.8 feet on Saturday morning. Flood stage is 34 feet.

At Nebraska City the crest is predicted at 24.7 feet Saturday morning. Flood stage is 18 feet.

At St. Joseph, Missouri the river crest is predicted for Tuesday morning, July 2 at 24.5 feet. Flood stage is 17 feet.

For Atchison, Kansas, the forecast for the crest is now up to 25.9 feet on Tuesday afternoon with flood stage being 22 feet.

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