Commission discusses KDOT letter on street lights

(KNZA)--Hiawatha City Commissioners, during their Monday evening meeting, addressed a letter received by the City from the Kansas Department of Transportation, requiring that the city switch the street lights at 1st and Oregon Streets back to flashing mode by Friday, along with replace the stops signs that were removed at the intersection to control east-west traffic.

The street lights were switched from flashing mode to normal operation on May 19th after repairs were made to the wiring at the intersection.

KDOT, in the letter, said the actions were taken despite KDOT conveying to the city that is not possible to provide "appropriate and defendable intersection control with the existing failing and non-compliant components."

Following a lengthy discussion at the Commission meeting, it was the consensus of a majority of the Commissioners to keep the street lights as they are currently operating and not to switch them back to the flashing mode, leaving the ball, so to speak, in KDOT's court.

Commissioners Brian Shefferd, Toni Hull and Evans Woehlecke were in favor of the move. Shefferd said he was not willing to shut off lights that are currently working. Mayor Becky Shamburg said she didn't feel the city has much choice but to comply with KDOT's directive.

The city's engineering firm, BG Consultants, has estimated the cost to replace the street lights at $700,000 to $750,000.

Now, along with coming into compliance by Friday, the City of Hiawatha is directed by KDOT to develop a long-term solution for a new signalization system at the intersection, with the deadline for submittal of that plan set for October.

According to KDOT's letter, dated June 21, any new signal system decided by the City "must meet the appropriate design guidelines and be fully funded by the City."

Hiawatha City leaders will continue looking at replacement costs and options.

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