Brenner files for re-election

2nd District Jackson County Commissioner Dan Brenner has filed for re-election.

He made the announcement in a release Wednesday.

Because Brenner is an Independent, he was required to collect at least 125 signatures of registered voters in the district and pay a filing fee. Brenner said he collected nearly 325 signatures and will be on the general election ballot this November.

In filing for re-election, Brenner, in the release, stressed his desire to complete projects the Commission has begun, such as working with the U.S. Congress and Senate securing money for Jackson County due to land being placed in trust by the U.S. Government, which the release says, costs the county millions of dollars.

Brenner, along with the other Commissioners, are also pursuing numerous grants for paving county roads.

Brenner said he and his fellow commissioners, since the time he took office in January 2021, "have implemented a progressive proactive approach with county roads instead of reactive approach and improving working conditions along with competitive wages for county employees."

Brenner and his wife, Marcia, have owned and operated five businesses, currently including Diamonds by Design in Topeka.

Brenner will face the winner of the August 6th Republican primary race between Linda Gerhardt and Matthew Devader. Gerhardt currently serves as Jackson County Treasurer.

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