Brownback Paints Positive Picture Despite Budget Concerns

Governor Brownback

(MSC News)--Despite looming financial shortfalls, forthcoming budget cuts, and tax increases, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback Tuesday evening worked to paint a positive portrait of the state during the annual State of the State Address. “Kansas is the envy of the world...our state has record population, record new businesses, record grain production, and record income. My fellow Kansans, it's for these reasons, and more, that I can report to you that the state of our state is, indeed, strong.”

Brownback's glowing assessment comes in light of projected budget shortfalls totaling $1.1 billion through June 2019.

Although Tuesday night's address offered no definite strategies, Brownback did acknowledge that Budged Director Shawn Sullivan Wednesday will present a plan on how to balance the budget.

Critics contend the state has struggled to balance its budget since Republican legislators slashed income taxes in 2012 and 2013 at Brownback's urging. Brownback Tuesday evening acknowledged the state's budget struggles, but was clear in stating he will not support any effort to undo those past cuts. “As a state, we have pioneered new ground on small business policy,” Brownback stated. “President-elect Trump’s tax plan targets small businesses. Speaker Ryan’s tax plan targets small businesses in much the same way as ours did.”

Following the State of the State Address, Senate Minority Leader Anthony Hensley delivered the Democratic response, saying the speech shows “the governor is still in denial about the damage his policies have caused our families and our communities.”

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